Professional Development in Supply Chain
Our courses are designed to be progressive in nature to help the student advance in their skills and knowledge to help them progress throughout their career.
Careers in Supply Chain Management
offer diverse career pathways, excellent advancement opportunities and salary earning potential.
Employer, Education and other Partners collaborate to grow the Supply Chain talent pipeline in the Greater Cincinnati tri-state area.
Building awareness of Supply Chain Management career pathways, training, and jobs in the Greater Cincinnati tri-state area.
#SupplyChainOKI Youth Programs
Supply Chain OKI has been working across the Northern Kentucky/Ohio region to offer unique opportunities for high school students to learn about supply chain careers as well as engage with leading supply chain companies in the region.
Our goal is to establish a process that allows potential employees to gain skills they need to get good paying jobs with career advancement opportunity.
We help establish high quality education and training that is critical to the social and economic well-being of the region. The most important role in educating tomorrow’s workforce is played by parents, teachers, mentors, and community and business leaders. #SupplyChainOKI members will work collaboratively to help give people the tools necessary in the Supply Chain field.
Upcoming Programs & Events
#SupplyChainOKI facilitates a variety of programs to increase awareness of Careers in Supply Chain Management and to provide experiential opportunities to high school students, college students, and adults returning the to the workforce or looking for a career change.